The Debre-Selam Kidist Mariam Fraternal Beneficiary Association (DSKMFBA) is a nonprofit organization registered under IRC 501(c)(8). Its nonprofit status was approved on September 22, 2010. The association's office is located at 721 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20910. DSKMFBA supports its members residing in Washington, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia by providing financial assistance for funeral services and other needs. All members share a common faith, adhering to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church's beliefs and practices. United in their faith, members collaborate to achieve meaningful and sacred goals. The association was formed to support one another and advance their shared purpose.
Use the contact information below to start your approval process.
If you're approved, you'll use your member ID to start your yearly payment of $300 on our payment platform.
Be reassured that Debre Selam Kidist Mariam Fraternal Beneficiary Association has you and your family's back in times of need.
We offer reservations to rent our first and ground floor for events! Our event pricing is based on per day, which does not depend on the duration of the day. All reservations will have access to the floor from 7am-10pm. $300 is included in the floor prices as a one-time, non-refundable security deposit. Reserve here!